
A Commitment to Excellence

The YDE experience is one of cutting edge academic excellence, discipline, and accountability in an atmosphere of warmth and respect, with a particular focus on serving Hashem with joy and happiness. Our students learn to use the tools provided for in our holy Torah to build spiritually and emotionally meaningful lives.

We work closely with parents in promoting the importance of individual responsibility, good middot, and self-esteem. In light of their profound role in the family dynamic, mothers are also given unprecedented influence in education matters. We believe that in teaching the importance of character and responsibility to our children we must first lead by example. As such we strive to be responsible, transparent, ethical, and hard working in our institutional activities and fiscal practices. YDE parents need not guess where the school stands on an issue. We are clear and available in due deference to the fact that the parent body are the greatest stakeholders and have the right to any and all information.

We aim to empower our students by helping them recognize their own gifts, appreciate their inherent worth as Torah Jews, and leave our doors with the tools to succeed in their divergent paths.

Our Leaders

Rabbi Meyer Yedid

Dear Friend and Community Member,

I feel that is important for you to know how this project evolved. This past summer, I was approached by several community members who wanted my help in building an institution to educate their children.

Since we are part of a community which is almost single- mindedly devoted to yeshiva enrollment, the obvious question arose: is there a need for another yeshiva? The answer which returned, after careful contemplation, was yes. B”H, our community has grown and – with G-d’s help – will continue to grow in its yeshiva enrollment and the quality of its institutions. But it’s precisely from that growth that new needs evolve. Each one of our schools has charted its own special path in speaking to the needs of parents and their children. There remain however, families whose educational vision have not been addressed, and with that a need for a yeshiva that will speak to their specific concerns.

We are privileged to be a part of a most beautiful community, but with that comes the responsibility of always having its best interests in mind –  A host of questions arose in thinking about the broader canvas of our community. Namely, is it in the community’s best interest to support another institution? With G-d’s help, the number of children that will attend our community yeshivot will more than double over the next 10 years – Ken Yirbu! Expanding existing institutions will become necessary, and new yeshivot will have to open their doors. An emerging yeshiva would be a necessary preparation for our community’s inevitable growth. There is an ethical question that every emerging institution must answer: is it motivated purely by a desire to elevate and enrich the community it serves? As I got to know my partners, I came to realize that they are pure, caring, and full of positive energy. They seek to build without destroying to promote without disparaging; to praise without criticizing to be positive without negating; to love without hating. The mission is their only goal. After addressing these concerns to the best of my abilities, this project began to engage my attention and it excited me in turn. The aims of the project seemed organic to the legacy of our traditions and our contemporary needs. As wall weighty decisions, I sought the advice of our community Rabbis and Elders who validated my assessments of the project being proposed.

Will it be easy? Are we lacking endeavors that we need to assume ones anew? I had to remind myself that during our lifetime, G-d sends opportunities our way and it is our responsibility to recognize them and to react accordingly.

This project is going to need a lot of hard work, but that is not a reason to walk away from it. Our parents and our ancestors sacrificed for us, and today we are enjoying the fruits of their labor. Let this be our sacrifice for the benefit of our children.

Will we succeed? Success is in the hands of the Creator. It is our job to put forth our best effort: work hard, keep our word, never lose sight of the goal, and pray to the Almighty that He should place His beracha in our efforts.

I feel very fortunate that Hashem has given us this opportunity. I beseech Him to guide us in the ways of truth and peace. And may the words of the prophet, Yeshaya, fall upon us: “ – You are my servant, Israel, in whom I take glory” .


Rabbi Meyer Yedid

Mr. Michael Jemal

Dear Parents,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to share with you our vision for Yeshivat Darche Eres (YDE), what we hope will be a premier school in our community for years to come. We are the very fortunate beneficiaries of a great legacy. An illustrious community built on the sacrifice of our predecessors, and supported on the foundations of our holy Torah and rich heritage. Our distinguished yeshivot are the pillars that these great men and women used to build this foundation and

keep it strong.

B”H our community has grown in quantity and quality, and more pillars were added to share the load. Magnificent institutions have emerged over the years, each with its own unique personality, and each building and fortifying different sections of our community. YDE is proud to be the next pillar to carry on this legacy, supporting a new generation of spiritual and physical growth.

YDE will strive for excellence in Judaic and Secular studies in a loving, structured, and safe environment. We will instill in our children yirat shamayim and ahavat yisrael. With the guidance of our esteemed Rabbis and community visionaries, and borrowing from best practices implemented both nationally and across the spectrum of community schools, we aim to provide our children with a world class, cutting edge educational experience. We will supply them with the tools they need to succeed in life and reach their potential. By continuously seeking out efficiencies and innovating through technology, we will ensure that school funds will be spent in a fiscally responsible manner on the best available education and on your child’s well-being.

We look forward to greeting you in the coming days at our upcoming open house functions and sharing with you the details of our exciting plans for the years


Best regards,

Michael Jemal

Educational Values

Do we want our children to reach high levels of Torah erudition, become fully knowledgeable in our traditions and inculcated with authentic Jewish values?

Leading by example in the paths of Torah.
Talmide Hachamim will infuse our children with a deep love and reverence for learning Torah.

Learning how to learn.
Students will be given the tools and resolve to independently develop their reading skills and Torah knowledge.

The words our Hachamim, their interpretations of halacha, and lessons in mussar are our guiding lights. Students will retain an unshakable appreciation toward our Sephardic minhagim and approach to reading and Torah learning. This heritage has forged our Community’s identity and exceptionalism over the centuries and we are proud to carry the flag.

Sephardic Pride.
Like our fathers and grandfathers, we have the honor and obligation to carry the torch forward. Our children will be infused with pride in the history and divine splendor of Sephardic Jewry by learning about our heritage and the outstanding accomplishments of our predecessors.

Do we want our children in a warm environment, where knowledgeable, experienced and professional teachers genuinely care about their well-being?

Ahavat Yisrael.
Our students will be instilled with the knowledge that we are a part of a much larger and more diverse Jewish community. They will be proud to be members of the unique family of Am Yisrael. As loving family members, they will learn the importance of responsibility and of caring for one another. They will also learn to respect and appreciate different customs and seek opportunities to learn from them.

Accountability balanced with warmth.
At YDE we will be firm but always mindful that children learn best when they are loved and respected. Our goal is not to have students who are simply good at taking directions, rather it is to teach them the right directions to take in life.

Focusing on parent-teacher communication.
The home-school partnership is an essential element in the development of every child. At YDE we will use the latest communication tools to facilitate access to teachers, and to ensure that progress reports and online updates reach parents in a timely manner and encourage feedback.

Do we want our children to be motivated to excel academically, and have the tools and capacity to use their gifts and strengths to pursue their desired career choice?

Cutting edge technology.
Our faculty will be teaching in modern facilities equipped with the most recent versions of smartboards, computers, science labs, etc…

Nurturing our students’ diverse interests.
Elective courses will give our students the opportunity to explore areas of potential interest.

Facing forward into the world.
Communication workshops including public speaking, salesmanship, and listening will distinctly enhance our students’ future professional and personal relationships. They will also learn skills for coping with peer pressure by believing in themselves, their principles, and core values.

Readiness for higher education.
Advanced placement college courses along with SAT/ACT preparatory programs will jump start our students’ transition to higher education.

New voices, wider vistas.
Visits to and from leaders and achievers in both the rabbinical and professional world will inspire and motivate students.

Extracurricular activities.
Team sports, music, workshops, and special hesed programs will be designed to teach our students the inner strength and feeling of responsibility that comes with helping others and themselves.

It is possible to build a Yeshiva around excellence in all of these areas.

That’s our goal.
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